Well, here we are, another year come and gone. I hope your 2018 was filled with blessings and joy, and that your 2019 will be your best year yet!
My 2018 was a healthy mix of opportunities and challenges and I am looking forward to many more of both in the year ahead. Releasing Restoration was an important milestone but now I have to show that I have staying power, which means consistently producing stories that people will want to read!
My goal for this year is to release two books…and then two more every year thereafter. I have lots of ideas but the challenge is getting them from brain to paper. But that’s okay because if it was easy I’d get bored and move on to something else because that’s just the kind of guy I am.
On a related subject: Congratulations to the winners of my December Goodreads Giveaway! As of this morning, 100 lucky winners have received free e-books on their Kindles and 256 more have tucked the book onto their Goodreads “I want to read” bookshelves for future consideration. Here’s hoping that they can’t wait for another promo and decide to spend the $2.99 and get it today! 🙂
Happy New Year everyone, and may 2019 bring you all of the joy and happiness you deserve and then some!