I finished my first novel!

Well, friends, it took me just about a year to do it, but my first novel is done!

It’s called Restoration and it’s available in both e-book and paperback formats on Amazon.com. If you buy the paperback you will get the e-book for free!

The book is a fast-paced sci-fi adventure that explores a future where genetic engineering and cloning technologies have been perfected and exploited on a mass scale. It also explores the moral, physical and ethical consequences of using advanced technologies without fully understanding their effects and implications for our species.

Ultimately, Restoration challenges our definition of what it means to be alive, and it asks us to consider whether the entirety of who we are can be digitized and transferred from one body to another without losing any part of ourselves. 

I wrote Restoration as the first of a planned three-book series. I am just starting on the second book now so it will be some time before it’s available—my goal is to finish by the summer of 2019, and my stretch goal is next March. They say you’re more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down, and now I’ve done it!

If you would like to follow my progress, head on over to www.danmcwhorter.com and subscribe to get regular updates on book two. You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Last but not least, I’d love to get your feedback if you read the book. I’m a firm believer that the more feedback I get the better my next books will be. So thank you in advance!

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