Revival Book Cover Preview

Good day friends, I hope this finds you well. I apologize for not posting in several weeks, but I’ve been consumed with work on Revival, the second book in the Restoration series.

That said, I have a few announcements that I am dying to share with you!

  1. I am now working with a publisher, and we’ve been hard at work re-designing and repositioning Restoration. I had no idea how much was involved to create a best-seller (beyond writing a good story, that is) when I first started this venture!
  2. The series title is now “The Gaia Origin”. So Restoration will be “The Gaia Origin Book 1”, Revival will be “The Gaia Origin Book 2”, etc.
  3. We are redesigning the cover of Restoration to fit into the branding we’ve developed for the overall series. It will be a couple more weeks before I can share it with you, but here’s a sneak-peak of the Revival cover mockup as a teaser!

As always, thanks for reading!


Revival Cover Preview

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