I know it’s been a while since my last post (man how time flies), but I promise I’ve used that time well! In addition to working on two new additions to The Gaia Origin Series, I gave www.danmcwhorter.com a complete facelift. I moved off of GoDaddy and WordPress.com in favor of a custom WordPress site on my own servers, which are hosted by my good friends over at slicie.com. Slicie is a brand new concept in web hosting and, very much like a certain car insurance company’s commercials, the best part is that you only “pay for what you need”! No more bronze, silver, gold, whatever-color, pre-paid plans that force you to guess how much memory, drive, bandwidth, CPU, etc. your website will consume on any given month. Instead, you set utilization caps on a server and network resources and then pay for what you actually use over the course of a given month. They even have a really cool dashboard that lets you monitor your utilization, and you can move your resource allocation levels up or down at any time. Now that’s web hosting the way it should be done!
Watch this space for more information about my new and upcoming books!